Saturday, 14 June 2014


Not only Lombok, Bali, and Jakarta is a favorite vacation destination local or foreign tourists, but also Lampung be an option. This is because Lampung has a complete tourist spot that is not less interesting with other tourist areas in Indonesia.

One of the sights to visit is the Museum of Lampung. Lampung Museum located next UMITRA precisely at Zainal Arifin Street, Pagar Alam, Gedung Meneng, District Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung.

Museum which is about 90 km from the port, 20 km from the airport, 5 km from the railway station, 0.4 km from the bus terminal Rajabasa, and 100 meters from the gate of the University of Lampung was built in 1975 and inaugurated in 1988.

Keep in mind, Lampung Museum is not only interesting because it offered a variety of unique collection or display of, but also through the architecture of the building. More precisely buildings Lampung Museum has a blend of Dutch architecture with unique ornaments Lampung.

What are the collection is offered in Lampung Museum? Overall Lampung Museum's collection can be classified into 10 types as follows:

Fine arts

To make it easier for visitors to see and learn about the collection on display, the museum is a good collection of separate items according to type, size, weight, and history.

When entering the area of ​​the museum, the visitor is offered directly by the Dutch heritage objects, Lampung history, as well as a silent witness objects malignancy eruption of Krakatoa.

Cannon Dutch heritage.
The cannon is a large weapon like a tube. Generally use gunpowder cannons to be fired.

Pesagi slow. Pesagi sluggish in the museum can be regarded as the granary, canoe, or pestle coffee that has been aged less than about 150 years.
Nuwo Sesat home. For Lampung historical objects, the museum is exhibiting the traditional house of Lampung is often called the house Nuwo Sesat.

Ship and anchor lights maritime boundary.
This is a ship equipment thrown into the Cape Coral when Mount Krakatoa erupted.

Iron ball.
It is a tool for open land, where it works with the drawn using 2 contractors.

The right side. To the right side of the museum building, visitors can see a typical Sumatran fauna such as elephants, tigers, pangolins, and so forth.

Behind. Rear corridor offers a collection of antiquities such as statues, menhirs, or other. In addition, a collection of coins, old money, and woven filter are also offered in this room.

Top. To the top, the atmosphere of a museum exhibiting traditional ceremonies Lampung such as birth, circumcision, making custom titles, marriage, and death.

On the other hand, the museum also has special programs such as the following:

Special exhibition
Traveling exhibition
Museums around the
Seminars & Training
Guidance roving

To be able to see a unique collection of the Museum of Lampung, the visitors just priced at a fairly cheap price.

Children per person: Rp 500
Children entourage: Rp 250
Adult per person: Rp 1,500
Adult group: Rp 750

However, to enter the museum the visitors have to adjust to a predetermined schedule.

Monday - Thursday: 08:00 to 13:30
Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Saturday: 08:00 to 14:30
Sunday: 08:00 to 14:00

Note: the museum is closed on national holidays.

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