Sunday, 15 June 2014


Bakauheni is a ferry ports located in District Bakauheni, South Lampung regency. Located at the southern end of Highway Traffic Sumatra, Bakauheni port connecting Sumatra to Java via sea transportation.

Hundreds trip ferry crossing with 24 pieces of some ferry operators sailing across the Sunda Strait that connects Bakauheni to Merak in Banten, Java Island. The ferries crossing the crosswalk services primarily serving the ground transportation such as inter-city inter-province buses, goods trucks and private cars.

The public transport users can also use small boats to speed up the journey. The travel time to ship approximately 1 hour. However, the cost is more expensive and the ships are only available from morning until late afternoon when the waves are not big.

Average duration of the trip takes between Bakauheni - Merak or otherwise with this ferry is about 2 hours.

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