Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Traditions and Cultures of Lampung

Lampung is one of the regions in Indonesia which is also rich in traditions and culture. A wide variety of cultures and traditions that Lampung can be extracted. Yet still we have encountered many people who have not so concerning about the traditions and culture of the indigenous Lampung, for our purposes it will explore issues Traditions and Cultures Lampung.

Traditions and Culture of Lampung

1 Ngarak Majeu Or Cultural Habit Ngarak
In a traditional wedding in Lampung Coastal Indigenous known term "Ngarak Majeu". Ngarak according to the term was a rallying, while the majeu is the Bride. So "Ngarak Majeu" is Indigenous Lampung bridal procession that takes place in the groom's party, as a sign that the man had been officially married with the woman (the bride).

2 Indigenous Manjau Pedom
Indigenous Peoples Manjau Pedom is a visit to the women stay at home by the family of the man who carried out after the procession consent granted. Something that emphasized in Indigenous Pedom Manjau is relationship of friendship between the bride family, so make a strong relationship and help each other between the two families.

3 Cempala Khua Twelve
In regulation servant girl known term "Cempala Khua Belas", where it regulates the association servant girl and whoever goes beyond the customary rules will be sanctioned. In these rules express the influence of Islamic law that governs the relationship of men and women who are not mahram, association rules of social life, as well as the rules of modesty and decency.

4 Musical Instruments and Arts
The use of musical instruments and art that affected by Islamic culture is Rabana Musical instruments, Guitar Solo, Guitar Gambus and Piul (Violin). The tool is used during the traditional procession or at the time of performing arts at the wedding. So that we know today Lampung Gambus orchestra art that has emerged since the 1970s.

5. event Betamat
"Betamat" is derived from the finish, but according to the meaning is to read some verses of the Qur'an (Juz Amma) at night which is usually done at the time of circumcision and marriage. In the event Betamat also performed ngarak of the teacher of the Koran of children or servant girl who will do betamat.

6. Event of Khatam Al-Quran
Al-Quraan Khataman event is usually done by some people (usually the father and the servant) at the funeral home, which is usually done (completed) for 7 days in addition to tahlilan event. In ancient times, Al-Quraan Khataman event performed well during Sebambangan event, which is conducted in  the homes of men after a woman who dibambangkan stay one day in the house of custom head. This event made ​​approximately up to 3-7 days by servant-girl, awaiting the woman's family to give consent to the bride.

7 Event of Marhabanan
The event was a celebration event of Marhabanan by reading the Book Bersanzi done by the father or servant in giving the name of a baby. This event is usually done at night in the family home or the baby's grandfather. Besides giving a baby name, be also giving the baby kenamongan (Read: Traditional Indigenous Way Namong in Lima).

Others Tradition in Lampung
In many traditional societies that still survive because it is still considered to be good and not contrary to religion, among other things:

1) Ruahan charity with close neighbors invited to say a prayer for Muslim brother who had died and to  believers who are still alive, especially pray for the souls of the family of the inviter, because it is called "Ruahan" (derived of the word (spirit). Usually in the invitation, a little food and beverages served.

2) Hit the drum. Very large drum function to people's lives in the village. Drum should not be tolled any time, because it would cause a riot if it is pronounced not according to communities interests.
Popular Culture Tradition Lampung

Here are some of the popular traditions of indigenous peoples in Lampung

Tradition of Giving Degree
Tradition of Ngelemang
Indigenous Canggot

May There is still tradition and culture of Lampung has not discussed here.

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